Wednesday, August 31, 2011


As you may have noticed, lords and ladies, I haven't quite been bringing my "A" game the past couple of months. Between increased responsibilities at work and a host of other demands on my time, I'm afraid I'm going to have to put Pimp My Novel on indefinite hiatus.

Not to worry—nothing terrible has happened/is happening. It's just that there are only so many hours in the day, and I know I'm not going to be able to do a consistent or good job with this blog once the Publishing Giant reawakens in September.

It pains me to write this, folks, since so many of you have been here since day one. You've encouraged me to write about the industry, shared with me (and your fellow writers) your tips, advice, stories, works in progress, successes, and setbacks, and I want to thank all of you for your time and generosity over the past two years. Seriously, y'all are the best.

So: thank you. Hopefully I'll be seeing (read: posting for) you again soon.


  1. thanks for everything you've done thus far and might do in the future.

    We're grateful, but a lot less important that your family and the people who actually pay the bills for you.

  2. I've learned a lot of great things here which I've shared with others. Thanks for all you've done. Hope to see you blogging again in the future.

  3. Take care and thanks for all the great info!

  4. Thank you for all the info you have shared with us and take care.

  5. It's a shame to see that life is starting to run you over, but take care, and we look forward to new posts.~

  6. You'll still be in my heart (read "reader"). When you come back, I'll be waiting ;o). Now go make everyone some money!

  7. Ohh...sorry to see you go, but I understand, totally. I feel the same way. I plan to make some changes to my own schedule in regard to book reviews and the like. I don't go on Twitter nearly as much as I used to.

    Hope things work out more smoothly for you. I look forward to seeing your informative posts again, sometime in the future. Take care, Eric :-)

  8. Noooooooo!!!!! Seriously, your blog was one of my favorites. You always had something relevant to share with just the right amount of 'tongue in cheek' humor. gonna miss you

  9. You will be missed, Eric! Take care and thanks for the interesting reading...

  10. Well, you'll always show up in my feed when you DO post. So, I shall wait patiently. I'll be here when you get back.

  11. Thanks for everything. This is the only blog (besides my own) that I read every single post. It's educational in an entertaining way. What I guess I'm trying to say is: You Rock! Looking forward to getting you back at it soon. Maybe there are some loyal readers that you can enlist to assist part time.

  12. I hope you can find that elusive thing - balance! I'll miss your posts. Even though I've had 11 books published, with five more in the pipeline, I learned a lot from you.

  13. Darn, one of the most practical writing blogs, and it goes on hiatus a couple of months after I stumble onto it.

    Great closing pic from one of my favorite movies. Who else would have referenced "The Truman Show?" Fortunately, there are archives, and I've got a lot of catching up to do,

  14. Eric, I'll miss your blog. Your posts have been so helpful for my writing and marketing. Very practical info, timely, o'luck going forward!

  15. Great picture as your parting shot, Truman Show. How perrrrrrfect !
    I mean really Eric, more than perfect.

  16. Thanks for all the great info, Eric! We'll miss you. Maybe you can holla now and then from Twitter so we know you're doin' alright.

  17. Everybody has already said it, but I'll say it again. Thanks for everything and take care of yourself!

  18. learned a lot from you - joined Smashwords. selling books - learned that site from you. Blessings and good fortune to you. Onward and upward!

  19. Ouch! Well...maybe we can all contribute our own tips, and help each other that way. My favorite advice to new writers is to start with short fiction--until you've published AND BEEN PAID for five short stories (or articles, if you're a non-fiction writer) you may be rushing things to try a novel. It's like running a marathon when you've never run a lap!

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  23. I'll be there to welcome you back. Come back soon.

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  27. Colin Edwards Jadi Orang yang Tepat Untuk Yamaha
    Agen Bola Terpercaya melaporkan, Colin Edwards telah memutuskan pensiun pada akhir musim 2014. Namun karena Bridgestone mundur sebagai pemasok ban MotoGP dan Michelin mengambil alih dari Bridgestone pada tahun 2016. Hal inilah yang Yamaha memaksa Edwards untuk kembali ke lintasan balap untuk mengembangkan ban Michelin.

    Mantan petinggi Yamaha Tech 3, Herve Poncharal, yang bekerja dengan Edwards antara tahun 2008 dan 2011 menganggap Colin Edwards adalah kandidat luar biasa untuk memainkan peran kunci dalam pengembangan YZR-M1 dengan ban Michelin di musim 2016.

    "Saya sangat senang bahwa Colin akan memainkan peran besar dalam pengembangan M1 dan ban Michelin dan itu adalah berita yang sangat baik bagi kita. Dia tahu tentang aspek teknis dari olahraga, khususnya ban dan sasis," tutur Poncharal.

    "Kita bisa melihat seberapa baik masukannya kita memiliki banyak insinyur top Yamaha di garasi kami mendengarkan dia, meskipun kadang-kadang ia berada di balik pengendara pabrik penuh,"

    Pembalap berusia 40 tahun ini menganggap ajang balap motor paling prestisius itu telah membesarkan namanya. Karena itu, keputusannya meninggalkan MotoGP mengundang reaksi beragam dari berbagai pihak. Valentino Rossi bahkan mengaku sangat kehilangan sosok Edwards sebagai sahabat. Maklum, keduanya pernah berada dalam satu tim Yamaha pada 2005 hingga 2007.

  28. Kepergian Vettel Bisa Hemat Keuangan Red Bull
    Agen Bola Terpercaya melaporkan, Empat kali juara dunia balap Formula1, Sebastian Vettel mengumumkan kalau dirinya akan hijrah dari Red Bull ke Ferrari mulai musim balap 2015. Kepindahan Vettel ke Ferrari dinilai menguntungkan tim balap berlogo Kuda Jingkrak itu karena pembalap asal Jerman tersebut dinilai memiliki bakat dan masa depan yang bagus.

    Bagi Red Bull, perpisahannya dengan Vettel menimbulkan spekulasi mengenai masa depan prestasi tim balap yang identik dengan simbol dua banteng merah tersebut. Apalagi Vettel dan Red Bull pernah sama-sama merasakan gelar juara dunia selama empat musim tanpa putus.

    Namun kepergian Vettel ke Ferrari tidak membuat Red Bull kehilangan arah. Menurut Dietrich Mateschitz, bos tim balap Red Bull sekaligus pemilik minuman berenergi dengan merek yang sama itu yakin kalau kepergian Vettel membawa berkah untuk perusahaannya.

    "Melihat teknologi kami yang didukung Renault, kami pikir kami tidak butuh orang seperti dia (Vettel) lagi," cetus Mateschitz.

    Pria 70 tahun itu menganalisis bahwa teknologi Red Bull masih bisa bersaing ketat dengan tim lain. Dominasi Mercedes musim ini juga semakin menguatkan pendapat Mateschitz bahwa Vettel masih bisa dikalahkan, meski sudah didukung mobil dan staf yang kuat. Selain itu, kepergian Vettel malah bisa menghemat keuangan Red Bull.

  29. Aleix Espargaro Sanjung Maverick Vinales
    Agen Bola Terpercaya melaporkan, Rider NGM Forward Racing yang musim depan akan membela Suzuki, Aleix Espargaro yakin calon rekan setimnya, Maverick Vinales akan langsung melaju cepat dalam uji coba pascamusim di Valencia, Spanyol, 10-12 November mendatang.

    Vinales yang merupakan juara dunia Moto3 2013, saat ini berada di peringkat ketiga klasemen pembalap Moto2 bersama Paginas Amarillas HP40 dan telah mengoleksi enam podium, termasuk dua kemenangan.

    "Maverick sangat bertalenta. Saya sudah berkali-kali bilang bahwa ia pembalap terbaik di Moto2. Suzuki mengambil keputusan tepat merekrutnya untuk 2-3 tahun. Saya bersemangat memulai petualangan baru bersamanya," ujar Espargaro.

    "Maverick berkata kepada saya bahwa ia tak punya pengalaman, jadi saya lah yang harus mengembangkan motor. Tapi kita semua sama-sama tahu ia pasti akan langsung cepat di uji coba!" tutupnya.

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  31. Mourinho Minta Chelsea Ajukan Tawaran Lebih Besar Untuk Isco
    Agen Bola Terpercaya melaporkan, Demi memperkuat lini tengah musim depan, manajer Chelsea, Jose Mourinho, menyarankan kepada klubnya untuk mendatangkan pemain Real Madrid, Isco. The Special One tengah menekan pihak klub untuk mengajukan tawaran yang lebih tinggi lagi kepada raksasa Spanyol tersebut.
    Isco disinyalir telah dipatok dengan harga melebihi 30 juta Pounds. Itu sebabnya penawaran pertama yang diajukan oleh pihak The Blues senilai 20 juta Pounds ditolak, sehingga Mou menyuruh pihak manajemen untuk mengajukan tawaran sekitar 35 juta Pounds.
    Pemain 23 tahun tersebut memang tampil cukup baik musim lalu. Meski jarang mendapatkan kesempatan tampil, namun ia sangat jarang menyianyiakan ketika dirinya diberi kesempatan untuk tampil. Ia sukses mencetak 12 gol dari 66 kali membela Los Blancos sejak didatangkan dari Malaga pada 2013 lalu.
    Pemain tim nasional Spanyol tersebut juga sukses memberikan sejumlah gelar bagi Madrid. Termasuk diantaranya adalah gelar La Decima di tahun 2014 lalu.

  32. Rossi Ingin Raih Hasil Balapan di Atas Lorenzo Untuk Kuatkan Posisinya
    Agen Bola Terpercaya melaporkan, Rider Movistar Yamaha Valentino Rossi kurang puas dengan posisi start keenam yang didapat di MotoGP Jerman. Dia pun fokus untuk finis lebih baik dari rekan setimnya, Jorge Lorenzo, yang start di posisi tiga.
    Rossi harus puas dari baris kedua setelah hanya mampu mencatatkan waktu terbaik satu menit 21,220 detik, atau 0,884 detik di belakang Marc Marquez yang merebut pole di trek Sachsenring. Hasil ini diakui Rossi tak terlepas dari kesalahannya.
    Salah satunya adalah, dalam percobaan terakhirnya, Rossi mengalami sliding pada ban belakangnya sehingga gagal mencatatkan putaran terbaik. Kini pebalap 36 tahun itu berharap bisa memberikan sentuhan terakhir pada setelan YZR-M1 miliknya, agar bisa melaju lebih optimal di balapan.
    Start dari baris kedua, Rossi jelas dihadapkan pada tantangan besar untuk kembali meraih kemenangan. Apalagi mengingat sirkuit Sachsenring cenderung menguntungkan Honda dan tim-tim dengan karakter motor yang lebih bertenaga seperti Ducati.
    Faktanya di posisi start lima besar, Honda menempati pos satu-dua dan Ducati di empat-lima. Lorenzo jadi satu-satunya wakil Yamaha di rentang tersebut.
    Oleh karena itu, target pertama Rossi di balapan nanti adalah finis di depan Lorenzo yang jadi saingan terdekat di papan klasemen. Keduanya saat ini hanya terpisahkan 10 poin, di mana Rossi memimpin dengan 163 angka.

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  46. QuickBooks Has Stopped Working.This error can also tease you when you try to get an access to your QuickBooks file. If you face the same error, don’t lose your control as it is a general error. Just think of having QuickBooks Technical Support from the us to make things happen in your favor.

  47. Our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 is 100% verified and provide the ultimate support. Taking The Helps From QuickBooks Enterprise Technical Support Phone Number . QuickBooks Enterprise users may face a lot of issues as the software is improved for larger quality and systems. So call us anytime , We are here to help you.

  48. QuickBooks Error 3371 This can likewise happen among the way toward duplicate the information on the c:/drive to another new hard drive. For this situation, you need to erase your right document. Additionally, you have to re-enter your permit data to get this issue settled.

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  52. QuickBooks ProAdvisor Technical Support Program is a specially tailored program for accounting professionals. This program unlocks additional benefits by passing certification exams or working with QuickBooks online clients. It consists of complete information to support the clients. The program comprises exclusive benefits that are designed to help you like: grow your practice, expand your QuickBooks expertise, fix your issues faster, avail the benefit of savings.

  53. You don’t even require a super computer to operate QuickBooks POS Support. It’s easy to setup and can be installed on your desktop computer or laptop. You do not have to go through the trouble of configuring the software application, as most of the features are already pre-configured. So, you can use the software out of the box!

  54. On the off chance that you are confronting any issue in Your Quickbooks Enterprise , simply call us on QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 and your call will be transfered to our expert. Ask you Queries related to your Quickbooks Enterprise , Tell us the issue and we will help you further by taking the remote session of your system .

  55. QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number. QB experts can easily update the software without letting any error occur. In case your license file gets damages, our agents will fix it in no time whatsoever. You can even get their assistance and recover the license file yourself. We take sheer pride in the efficacy of our agents.

  56. Intuit QuickBooks Payroll for Mac has proven again and again that it is the best accounting software out there.QuickBooks for Mac offers all of the potential features of QuickBooks Pro for Windows only restricting the users to create an accountant copy. The QB for Mc version offers many features specific to Mac users such as: syncing with Mac OS address books and iCal. Also the users have access to a free online magazine published especially for QuickBooks for Mac users.Is Free Payroll Software Available for MAC Yes if you want to check the funcionality of QB Payroll software , you can get Free Trail of software for 30 days with upto 50% discount on subscription base service, to Know more about contact

  57. QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number Support Phone Number. QuickBooks, developed by Intuit – A world class American Software Company, is accounting software designed to ease the financial aspect of the life of small and medium size businesses.

  58. Facing any probelms with your Mechant services or fees error ?Call our number 1888-567-1159 to get services from the experts or visit us at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number Our website content is tailored in order to guide users to fix issues themselves. Our website covers most errors and functions relating to QuickBooks.

  59. QuickBooks Tech version is a standout amongst the most intense versions of all the three, that is, QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Tech. This version of QuickBooks software was planned keeping the finance related requirements of organizations having an expansive group of records as a main priority. Call on Quickbook Tech Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 and get help from our Technicians.

  60. QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 provides on demand access to priority support for QuickBooks users. We are dedicated to providing accounting, bookkeeping, and technical assistance as well as bug related solutions to our clients who use QuickBooks for their accounting and business management.

  61. Adhering to the principle of customer satisfaction is something that we take passionately. All agents that we house are amiable and keen to help users through every problem that they have . To solve your problem visit us at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number or dial +1-888-396-0208.

  62. If you are really stuck with a QuickBooks glitch, the best way out to deal with your concern is to report your problem to a tech support executive on the QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1800-291-2485. The contact number which is toll-free can be found on the Intuit QuickBooks website. The customer support service comes at no additional costs. It is absolutely free to be availed by the customers round the clock by 24*7. Also, the support executives dedicatedly assist user irrespective of their location.

  63. If you need to install this software and you can install it, but sometime hard to install or face many issue installation and working on it and you are not able to handle intuit related problem yourself. At that time you need to Technical support service. Only you can dial our QuickBooks Enterprise Support 1800-291-2485 and our technician take action very quickly.

  64. You don't require a super PC to work QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number 1800-291-2485. It's anything but difficult to setup and can be introduced on your personal computer or workstation. You don't need to experience the inconvenience of designing the product application, as the majority of the highlights are now pre-arranged. Along these lines, you can utilize the product out of the crate!

  65. Recognized as one of the best bookkeeping software, Intuit’s QuickBooks plays a significant role in monitoring and managing all the financial dealings of small to medium-sized businesses. Even professionals can also use this to complete their account-based tasks. Just like any other accounting software and applications, QB is one such program which is the emblem of excellence for all users. Though, it is also not an exception and comes with vulnerability to many issues and errors. QB users who get entangled into any issues look for the QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number and get prompt responses to their problems.

  66. QuickBooks is a simple to utilize bookkeeping programming used by millions over the globe to deal with their compensation and expense related tasks. Due to its component rich administrations and easy to understand stage, it has turned into an essential piece of a large portion of the little and medium-sized organizations. Nonetheless, in the event that you are as yet unfit to introduce QuickBooks on your PC at that point there must be something broken in the framework. Bookkeeping Error Help-group encourages you to contact the QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number Team to determine this mistake. They have a stunning technical support helpdesk for issues identified with QuickBooks and other related programming. They are an outsider association with awesome aptitude in giving item help.

  67. Get smart solution by contacting our toll free QuickBooks Support Phone Number, which provide 24x7 online support. QuickBooks Support Phone Quickbooks Customer Support Number for Software Issues and Technical Problems 1-888-396-0208. Startups, Small or Medium Businesses, they all need only one toll free QuickBooks Support Phone Number. Get in Touch with us.

  68. QuickBooks is the best business mechanization devices utilized by a large number of private companies. It mechanizes the business bookkeeping and makes it simpler to oversee everyday bookkeeping errands. Breaking the customary hindrances of contracting experts and bookkeepers to work for a considerable length of time. Dial NUMBER 1800-291-2485 to get assistance from ensured Experts. QuickBooks has helped in sparing cash from contracting experts and made bookkeeping less demanding and quicker with only a couple of snaps. QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1800-291-2485 are here to help and guide you in understanding QuickBooks with the goal that you can utilize it in the most ideal way and deal with your accounts.

  69. When you reconfigure your desktop or activate your QuickBooks for the first time, you may encounter with the QuickBooks Error 3371 , Status Code 11118. This error can be a frustrating one for you, as it disallows you to open your QB file.You can understand it in a way that Intuit makes it compulsory to have license information stored on your hard drive. By any mean, if that information, file, or license data get corrupted, damaged or missing; you can encounter this error code.

  70. For small and medium-sized companies, QuickBooks accounting software is like complementary thing which always gives us pleasure. But you also know about technical software, sometimes you face technical errors while using it. Customers used to become clueless as what is the reason of this error and how to fix it? Here in this article, we discuss the solution of QuickBooks Error 1935 which can occur when installing QuickBooks or Microsoft .NET Framework.

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  74. Quickbooks Support software is perfect for businesses which have financial tasks in more than one category. The powerful combination of advanced features and intuitive interface ensures easy working of the software while being extremely professional at the same time. Get in touch with us at QuickBooks Support Phone Number , We take care of your Quickbooks Software surely.

  75. Quickbooks payroll support provides help 24/7 to our customer. Only you have to do single call at QuickBooks Payroll Support 1888-567-1159 or visit Major issues include installations problem, data access issue, printing related issue, software setup, server not responding error etc.with the Accounting software install the every user process it just needs to fetch the information, rest all the essential calculation will be done automatically by the software.

  76. In Case You Are Facing Any Trouble With Your Computer System Don’t Hesitate To Call Quickbooks Enterprise Product Number1888-557-6950 Our Support Team Will Be Available For Your 24 Hrs In A Day And 365 Days Dedicatedly To Fix Your Problems.

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    وفي وسط زحام الشركات منافسة بعضهم علي العروض التي يقدمونها تظل شركتنا الاولي في عروضها المتميزه وافضلهم علي الاطلاق
    ويوجد في هذه الشركه الامان التام لكل عملائنا واحساسهم بالثقه والراحه في التعامل معنا وذلك غير مسبوف في الشركات الاخري
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