Friday, February 18, 2011

February Thaw Round Up

Round up time with Laura:

Happy Friday, friends and foes. I am currently torn between frolicking in the heat wave (it's 60 degrees, people!) and digging myself a bunker—New York released its official apocalypse guide. It might be timed to coincide with the new Atlas Shrugged trailer, which signals the end of the world in its own way. Say goodbye to the world, 200 Borders-es. Also say goodbye to novels with Sookie Stackhouse, who remains the most annoying character on television. Anna Paquin, you're fine—Sookie Stackhouse, you are really irritating. Perhaps she should try and get some modern lessons from the Kama Sutra—since it's HBO it's 50% sex, 50% Sookie dialogue, and I'd rather not listen to her talk, thank you very much.

Speaking of oldies but goodies, Disney found out their backlist sells best digitally. Out of the vault for 30 seconds—get your $100 bills ready to buy 2 pages of the novelization of Sleeping Beauty. Oh, Disney, why are you so good at parting me from my money? I would also give my money for the 10 best Roald Dahl books, but not for Stieg Larsson's partner's memoir. I'm sure Vonnegut has a relevant quip for this. Imagine I included it here.

What else is new? Well, gym class helps kids read better, and romance still rules the roost. Barnes & Noble (you know, the big chain that hasn't filed for bankruptcy) is trying to poach Amazon affiliates, and Kathryn Stockett is being sued by her brother's maid for using her image without consent in The Help. Sue for more than $75k, Abilene! That book made a mint!

I'm off to frolick, dear readers—enjoy your 3-day weekend if you've got it, sulk about working on Monday if you have to, and I'll see you next week for more super fun adventure time!


  1. Why is it so many of us are so willing to fork over the moolah for Disney's best even when we have the VHS, DVD, book, picture book, colouring book, DVD with bonus footage, just to get that darn Blu-Ray? I feel a Walmart visit and my will caving in the near future.

    And one can only hope there's an end in sight to good ol' girl, Sookie.

  2. My God that movie looks horrible.

  3. What are at the top of lists for consumers is mind boggling to me, but! They have the money - off to write a really sloppy love triangle where he throws her to the ground and then the Blu-Ray shines upon her and ....... oh, will it sell?
