Friday, September 17, 2010

Movie Day Round Up

Friday round-up time, with a little help from Laura from Combreviations:

Morning, friends and foes. This was the week of Franzen-Oprah speculation. But why is everyone going so bananas? Sure, Franzen's great, but he's no rock star, like Jimmy Page, with his massively expensive biography. Or Jimi Hendrix, with his sci-fi collection. Hell, he's not even giving away government secrets, making the Pentagon buy and destroy every copy of his memoir. At least his publisher didn't accidentally break his embargo themselves, like poor Jimmy Carter, and he still has time to win a lifetime achievement award, à la Tom Wolfe. And maybe one day he'll make the hipster Christian reading list, even if his books aren't written by a real live (dead?) ghost.

Although there have been some downer things this week, like Stephen Fry on bookstores and Phillip Pullman on the present tense, I think we can safely skip it. After all, it's Friday, and so I think we should combat the blues with a sweet series of videos.

Have you seen the '90s Finnish adaptation of Lord of the Rings?

What about the book trailer for Night of the Living Trekkies?

And has anyone told you you're special today? With muppets?

To quote Kermit the Frog, "Yaaaaaaay!" See you all next week, right here.


  1. ROFLMAO This time I is the first time I realy want to read a book based on the book trailer.

  2. Talk about pushing the limits on what we're used to seeing with book trailers! That was incredible. So used to seeing trailers with just text and audio - which still do the job well... but this...
    I'm with Suzan, I HAVE to read this book now. And I'm not a Trekkie. Just a huge fan of anyone that was involved with that wonderful trailer.
    Great find!

  3. I scrolled through all of Oprah's big blow outs over the years and wonder if this latest friction situation will create a lot of buzz just because this is the last year of her show. Interesting, interesting.

    Muppets are the best. Especially Fraggle Rock. :)

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  4. Did anyone else watching the trekkie trailer wish it was a full length movie? I bet the book will be awesome, but it would make a really cool movie too.

  5. i agree with you Brandi. I wished it was a full lenght movie too. It's well made. Now i might go search for the book. xD

  6. Love that trekkie trailer, but how could any book live up to it?

    Here's another one for you:
